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Jacqueline George (1988) is a Sound/Visual artist, Living and working in her birthplace Cairo, Egypt
2005-2010 The Faculty of Art Education- 2017 Master's degree in Artist's Digital Games.
She had passion to experiment in conteporary art by joining several art workshops in Cairo since 2008 such as the contemporary media arts workshop which held annually in the College of Art Education, the organization and supervision of Shadi El Noshokaty, Which was branching into several art workshops based on the method of conceptual research and brainstorming and mind maps.
started with Painting , Writing texts, Experiment in Comics Strip and Video Games, Performance, Sound Art , mixed media, and then Experiment in Creative Coding.
Looking for creative potential inside Cairo's noise, fascinated by how noise carries ideas and mental images.
Her works based on brainstorming and mind maps around self-image - universe and body - time - invisible reality...
- Works within “ ولسه Welssa Art Therapy Troupe for marginalized groups .
- "Let Me Think " program for developing skills through brainstorming , creative thinking and team working.
Volunteer in "انا انسان ANA ENSAN team - I am a Human " which campaigned for the rehabilitation of homeless children in “- عايز حقهI want his right Back" event.
Selected participations
"My Voice, Your Voice, Our Voice" an Egyptian-German collaboration project with Kamilya Jubran , Hannes Seidl, Brigitta Muntendorf and Derar Kalash . KLANG Festival , international contemporary music festival , Alice, KU.BE , Copenhagen ,Denmark june 2019
• Free improvisation with contact dance " Mû pied "Patricia Kuypers and Franck Beaubois" France / Belgium, May 2019" A calculus of the nervous system" talk and Performance With Ragnhild May as a part of Cairo Contemporary Music Days festival , Goethe Institut- El Bustan, April 2019
"Death Proof of Eternity" a multimodal experimental music performance - evironmental recordings, cello, Oud, violin and flute, visual and movement interaction about the concept of death in Copts philosophy. at the Goethe Institute Cairo 13th of Dec. 2018
“ Stebsa ”Experimental music concert/oriental singing with Kholoud Adal at the Goethe Institute Cairo 6th of Dec. 2018
Improvisation concert with Cairo Impro at Vibe for Developing Arts, Cairo, Nov 2018,
opening performance for the exhibition "Women on Aeroplanes" the Museum of Modern Art MoMA- Warsaw October 26th.
ORF musikprotokoll at helmut-list-halle – 7th October 2018 in Graz/Austria.
CAIRO IMPRO at Egyptian Center for Culture and Arts – Makan , 18th sep 2018.
Closing concert of Cairo Impro improvisation workshop at the French Institute, Cairo , July 2018.
Giving an Experimental Music Improvisation workshop with salim's salon project as a part of Darmstadt Summer Course Presented by Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt (IMD) – Germany , July 2018.
experimental music concert with Cairo Impro. - Shubak el Fan, Goethe Institute, Cairo, July 2018
interactive Sound / lighting Installation and live performance – Shubak el Fan, Goethe Institute, Cairo 6-7 June 2018.
interactive Sound and lighting installation,The 60th anniversary of Goethe Institute in Cairo , May 2018.
A presentation at the University of Copenhagen around my approach in sound art, May 2018.
Live performance within “meine Stimme, deine Stimme, unsere Stimme“ with Kamilya Jubran and the musicians Sherif Elrazaz, Mathis Mayr, Hossam Shehata , as a part of "Cairo contemporary music days festival” Hanager theater, Cairo Opera House , April 2018.
Improvisation sessions with Cairo Impro “Bahaa El-Ansary , Paweł Kuźma , Daniel Merrill , Jacqueline George , KhoLoud Adal , Samer Shenouda , Hassan Hosny at Makan Egyptian Center for Culture and Arts - Makan, Cairo, April 2018.
The Visitor sound track with KhoLoud Adal "Live duo Sound improvisation track , used live instruments and tools like children's toys beside few personal writings and singing around Self‐confrontation and and some glimpses of traditional Egyptian song, as a part of ” fair-play “ second album March, 2018
Improvisation sessions with Cairo Impro “Bahaa El-Ansary , Paweł Kuźma , Daniel Merrill , Jacqueline George , KhoLoud Adal , Samer Shenouda , Hassan Hosny at Cairo Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences – CILAS , March 2018
Ambisonic works concert curated by Trond Lossius at the György-Ligeti-Saal in Graz, Austria Mar 2018.
Salim's Salon Concert Tour" four experimental musicians "Cedrik Fermont, Jacqueline George, AMET, Seth Ayyaz" whose artistic position is beyond cultural attribution, deal with the notion of the other, confrontation of free improvised music and measured time of the clock and the score. The history of the "colonization of time" Staged concert by Hannes Seidl at Alte Oper Frankfurt Sep 2017 , Rainy Days music festival, Philharmonie, Luxembourg, Nov. 2017 - Berliner Festspiele Maerz Musik at Konzerthaus Berlin,Mar. 2018
Cairo Impro Art residency and performance at New Hermopolis, Tuna el-Gebel - el-Minia , Egypt supported by the European Union in the Frame work of MINNA project with Bahaa El-Ansary - Daniel Merrill -Hassan Hosny - KhoLoud Adal - Samer Shenouda, Feb 2018.
Experimental music session with European-Egyptian contemporary music society , Goethe-institut ,Cairo, Egypt, Jan 2018.
Play-back: Seminars on publishing sound with Mohamed Abdelkarim, Madeleine Amsler, Federica Martini at CIC - Contemporary Image Collective, Cairo, Egypt, Jan 2018.
Improvisational Experimental music session " Digginig the global south festival - future sounds from Africa, Stadtgarten, Cologne, Germany Nov. 2017
Improvisational Experimental music session , Oufuqy music forum , Alexandria, Egypt, Oct. 2017
Experimental improvisational music within " Contact Improvisation Dance "DUET SAMPLE" with the Patricia Kuypers -Belgium - and Franck Beaubois -France. proposed by Florence Moutin Roabet ,Rawabet Theatre – Cairo,30 September and Great Hall / Bibliotheca Alexandrina, 3 Oct 2017
Live Experimental Music performance with Egyptian females experimental music session ,le Festival MIMI festival , Marseille , France. Aug 2017.
Live sound / visuals performance at Sound Acts Festival, Athens , Greece, Jun 2017.
Live Experimental Music tour with Egyptian females experimental music session , Spor festival , Aarhus, Denmark, May 2017 - and HKW – Berlin / OOR - Zurich / Plattfone – Basel / Reithalle – Bern / Bad Bonne – Dudingen / The Palace - St. Gallen April 2017
Surround Sound System track using 24 Loudspeaker rig , within “MULTI” which is concert series at Lydgalleriet / Østre curated by Trond Lossius , Borealis festival , Bergen , Norway March 2017
Live sound performance at Café OTO experimental sound and music space, London, United Kingdom , Oct-2016
Issuing a " Same Sun " CD as part of “Tiny Portraits” series project , Jun 2016.
Audio/ Visual installation with movement interactive performance with OJA projects , "Bread" exhibition DARB 1718 Contemporary Art & Culture Center , Cairo .Jun 2016.
“ Insect party" Experimental Music track as a Part of "ONE MINUTE SYMPHONY " online project , April 2016.
Live performance as a pate of Egyptian females experimental music session at Borealis Contemporary Music Festival Bergen, Norway Mar 2016 .
Within "Lady Flash - " thematic radio show exploring the alternative/indie/underground music scene , 06.12.2015
Co-director for sixty Egyptian girls in a contemporary dance performance, in the centennial celebration of St. Joseph's school , Egyptian Opera House , Sep 2015.
"Cloth Doll " Sound interactive project as a Part of "Market" exhibition , Art Ellewa within Tandem Projects , Mar 2015.
Sound Installation project, Detour Exhibition, Nabta Art Center, within tandem Projects , Jan 2015.
Live Experimental Music Performance at Inspire festival in Bahrain , Oct 2014.
Live Experimental Music Performance at "49 NORD 6 EST FRAC LORRAINE, METZ, France", Jun 2014 .
Live Sound \ Visuals Performance at Musique Action Festival in Centre Culturel André Malraux "Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France" , May 2014 .
Live Experimental Music Performance at EL FALAKI Theatre, AUC, Cairo, Nov 2013 .
Live Experimental Music Performance at 100 Copies Music Space, Oct 2013 .
"Fagalat Sound Track to Egyptian Females Experimental Music Session #1 CD , Oct, 2013 .
Experimental Comics Strips at " Sixth Floor" Exhibition , Vinnouse Hotel – Downtown,Cairo ,Mar 2013 .
Interview & Live Performance with Nassibian Orchestra at Radio ArtEllewa Jan,2013.
Live Experimental Music Performance at D-CAF Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival with NASSIBIAN Orchestra team , Radio Theatre , Cairo , Mar 2012 .
Interactive multi mediums performance at Bearing Witness Exhibition with Nassibian Orchestra team , MEDRAR Contemporary Art Center , Cairo , Sep 2012.
Comics Strips and Sound Track at Play Time Exhibition of UAMO Festival "As part of the UAMO CITY TOUR transmitted via live connection to Munich" at DARB 1718 Contemporary Art & Culture Center , Cairo , Nov 2012 .
Live Experimental Music Performance at 100 Copies Music Space with NASSEBIAN ORCHESTRA , Cairo , Nov 2012.
Live Experimental music concert at " BASIONY Exhibition " , DARB 1718 Contemporary Art & Culture Center , Oct 2012.
Live Experimental music performance with Egyptian Females Experimental Music concert , 100 COPIES Music SPACE ,Oct 2012.
Experimental Comics Strips in ZINE EL ARAB magazine II , 2011.
Experimental Comics Strips at "TEXT" Collective art exhibition and live electronic music performance at DARB 1718 – Egyptian Contemporary Art and Culture Center jun 2011.
Painting at “ Egyptian snapshot” Exhibition" Prince Taz place , Aug 2011.
Experimental Electronic music concerts in Fagalaa streets and the issuance of " NASIBIAN Orchestra #1 CD “ The Scientific and Cultural Association EL-NAHDA , Jesuit, Cairo Jul 2011.
Painting at "one copy" Collective Art Exhibition, Cairo Atelier, Cairo 2011.
Experimental Comics Strips , Young Artists Salon XXII , Cairo Opera House, 2011.
Experimental Images , Interactive Visual Creativity exhibition, Faculty of Art Education, 2010.
Experimental Images and Comics Strips , Media Arts Workshop exhibition , Faculty of Art Education , 2009 - 2010.
First Award in Drawing , KAMAL GHNDER’s Water Colors competition , Faculty of Art Education, Cairo , 2009.
A presentation about the evolution of the concept of art to the contemporary experimental arts. Within welsa art team event “ الصفارة “ Rawabet theater downtown , Cairo , Nov, 2009
Art installation project within " Human rights Exhibition "at Art Education College , 2008.
Drawing and Wooden art works , Fine Arts exhibition , Helwan University , 2008.
3D Video Projection Mapping workshop with Dan Shorten, studio Emad elden, Cairo , Egypt 2017
VVVV Toolkit Introduction Workshop, Mohamed Hosam, Cairo , Egypt 2017
Creative Coding Cairo Meetups , Cairo , Egypt 2017
Surround Sound System Workshop at Borealis Festival, Bergen , Norway, march 2016
Detour art workshop, nabta art center, Nov 2014.
Sound art workshop by DAVID STRANG, Digital Festival 0.1, British Council, Giza ,Egypt , march 2013.
Bearing Witness workshop: Stories of Ordinary People Living During Extraordinary Times. MEDRRAR for contemporary art , Cairo, Egypt ,2012.
Multimedia lab with MEDRRAR and EMAD EL DEN studio foundation, the lab explore the potential use of smart phones as sensors in a stage space and how it relates to the capturing of movement. (Nao Tanaka – Japan , Renaud Vercey – France , Mohamed Youseef – Egypt) Cairo, Egypt 2012 .
Experiment in Comics Stripes Workshop with Youssef Ragheb ,Cairo, Egypt 2009- 2012.
The Fluidity of Symbols workshop , Townhouse gallery,Cairo, Egypt 2011 – 2012.
Creative Photography Workshop with Mohamed Abd elkarim , at Contemporary Image Collective CIC , Cairo, Egypt 2011.
Mono-print Workshop , townhouse with (SAWA) group, townhouse art gallery , Cairo, Egypt 2011
Workshop "Sounds of FAGGALA" with Ahmed Bassiony and Mahmoud Refaat in The Scientific and Cultural Association El-Nahda, Jesuit , Cairo, Egypt 2010 - 2011
lectures by Shady Elnshokaty for conceptual performance , Media workshop , the faculty of art education , Cairo, Egypt 2010.
Street Atelier workshop , The Scientific and Cultural Association EL-NAHDA, Jesuit, "Mohamed Abla" and "Ahmed Bassiony", Cairo, Egypt 2010.
"Human Rights throw art workshop “ EL-TAKEEBA art center , Cairo, Egypt 2010.
“Experiments in Interactive Visual Creativity “ with Mohamed Taman within Media art workshops , Faculty of Art education ,Cairo, Egypt, 2009.
“Experiment in Media Art summer workshops “ with Shady Elnoshokaty – Faculty of art Education and ASCII contemporary art project , Cairo, Egypt 2009 -2014.
Human Rights :
Training course for universities students organized by the Institute of GENEVA for Human Rights in cooperation with the Institute of Arab Studies. 2011.
The seventeenth session for the students , Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies , 2010.
rights of the child - TAPORI Foundation - EL SAWY Cultural Wheel, 2010.
Human rights workshop , Faculty of art Education , 2008.
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