Live performance at Musique Action Festival and centrel culturel André-Malraux de Vandœuvre-lès- Nancy, France , 2014
" Woman like a train - many people inside - many people outside - Infinite stations - What time means - Women and Time - How to get rid of time measure - the Eternal Child - Who can be sure of oldest and youngest by using dry scales

it's a part of co-project between oja project and welssa "still more" performance team.
(audio/ visual installation with movement interactive performance)
it was shown in "Bread" exhibition at (Darb 17-18) in jun 2016 about three visions of bread concept.
" at first glance related to life as a public requirement
but that availability on the another face representative a false generosity is always associated with constantly part of a social unfairly and break its relationship with life actually more linked with death as a death trick wear a dress of life .
a part from the health and non-health matter among those who struggled for the sake of their breadth.. they looked for the source of their presence and how to support it pry in themselves biased to that bread is not the live source or the means to continuation.
this track represent the second stage "the inner struggle between authority, liberation ,and feeling dominated and oppressed.

" those facts which draw a way to behavior and highlight the meaning of Existence , it is challenging my selfishness inherent in the depths of myself ..That feed on childish delusions sediment ..that made me center of the universe"

about the nature of time and the essence of presence
when there is no presence means no time where history would be made or destroyed, where world destiny could be determined and earth’s face is changes’
So, human doesn’t die totally , there is a part overcomes time, which is the Self ’